The Bastion Americana Freedom Journal, Issue I: 18 July, 1943
After the explosive events of The Secret Files of Lucky Ford: The Dragon, the Wolf, and the Maiden the Axis’ propaganda machine went into high gear, churning out misinformation to twist the truth to fit their story. One of the most effective psychological weapons at their disposal is the Bastion Americana Freedom Journal.
This issue contains spoilers from The Dragon, the Wolf, and the Maiden and The Billy Club Bastard Case Files: Until Only Roaches Remain.
This is issue I of the Bastion Americana Freedom Journal.
Content warnings: Violence, death, creeps, Nazis, gaslighting.
On July 18, 1943, the first issue of the Bastion Americana Freedom Journal mysteriously appeared on door steps and street corners in every town and military base across the United States. With a distribution in the millions, the newsletter blew the lid off the secret operations undertaken by the Office for the Cataloguing of Unusual Occurrences in their fight against fascism. The American population, terrified and confused after waking up to a blood red sky due to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, reacted with horror and anger at its reports. The Office scrambled to counteract the damage with the truth, but conspiracy theories and mistrust had already begun to spread.
The front page of the Journal’s 18-07-43 issue is provided below:
The Bureau for Cataloguing and Reference has provided the following transcription:
Bastion Americana Freedom Journal
Only the Truth, for True Americans
Free to Patriots
Issue I, 18 July, 1943
Arnold Pondletter, Editor-in-Chief
Classified ‘Most Secret, by order of the O.C.U.O.’
Main Article:
Naples, Italy – An earth-shattering eruption shook the entire Italian peninsula earlier this month, reportedly caused by an Allied bomber attack in the seismic-ally-active region. The civilian death toll is estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands and rising, and a thick cloud of ash is blocking out the sun for most of Europe and North Africa. Even in America you can see the blood-red stain on the eastern horizon, THE BLOODY DAWN.
Local agencies and brave whistle-blowers are reporting that this catastrophe was intentionally caused by a secret cabal within the Allied nations known as the Office for the Cataloging of Unusual Occurrences.
According to a former member, this foreign organization spends American lives like two-headed nickels, throwing them away to commit atrocities in their wars. Anonymous sources to this Journal suggest that there are Office annexes surreptitiously spread across the civilized world, with dozens operating without oversight here in America. Their alien interests range from spying on American citizens and leeching American resources to outright kidnapping, theft, and assassination. Rumors of secret prisons could not be confirmed, but the missing fathers and mourning mothers are evidence enough.
Although our 'leaders' continue to deny fault for the catastrophic attack or any involvement with this Office, evidence is mounting that knowledge of these clandestine activities goes all the way to the socialist elements in the White House. As of printing, no American politicians had admitted complicity in these affairs, though we are collecting information on every Washington gutter dweller with any link to these subversive operations, and the list is shockingly long already.
America is not a country to be run through with foreign agitators, or to fall prey to alien influence. Our corrupt, manipulated 'leaders' have already allowed themselves to be swallowed up by overseas interests, and our men have paid for this folly in blood. How many families have an empty seat at their tables that will never be filled again? How many beds will be cold tonight, with wives widowed by needless war crying - (cont'd p. 6)
This article includes a photo of Mount Vesuvius erupting with the caption: Mt. Vesuvius, erupting after an Allied bombing attack upon orders from the Office. Photo courtesy of New York Herald Tribune.
Secondary Article:
Washington, DC – Newly revealed information from a brave informant within the Office for the Cataloging of Unusual Occurrences has linked Office activity to the brutal attack that took place at the Warner's Earle Theater not two weeks ago.
Dozens of prominent business leaders were injured, requir-ing lengthy hospitalization. The incident was initially reported as a gas leak and that mass hysteria was a side-effect of exposure, though the Journal has obtained reports proving the attack was a test of an advanced weapon created by the Office for use on American civilians. The Bureau of Investigation claims that survivors of the attack - (cont'd p. 3)
Have YOU seen something suspicious? Do your DUTY and contact your community’s Silver Legion Patriotism Board TODAY.
Roosevelt isn’t going to protect your family. Will you? Order ammunition by mail, see page 8 for details.
Bureau for Cataloguing and Reference Analysis:
The Office has yet to determine where the Journal is printed and how it is distributed.
The name ‘Arnold Pondletter’ has not produced any leads.
An internal investigative committee has been formed to determine sources of potential intelligence leaks. Its membership consists of representatives from the Bureau for Cataloguing and Reference, the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, and the Fossor General’s staff.
A third apprehension team has been dispatched in pursuit of a recent defector from the Bureau of Research and Development. Inspector General Klavin has made assurances that the defector has not been in contact with any enemy elements and will be captured forthwith.
Printmaster General Bellegarde has assumed the role of the Office’s public liaison to press agencies and governmental bodies. Any questions from non-officials should be forwarded to her team.
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Copyright © 2024 Daniel Baldwin. All rights reserved.
Written and edited by Daniel Baldwin. Art by Dudu Torres.