The Bastion Americana Freedom Journal, Issue IV: 8 August, 1943
The Abwehr’s psychological warfare against the American people continues, painting the Office for the Cataloguing of Unusual Occurrences as a shadowy enemy. When Printmaster Arachnae Bellegarde stepped forward to become the face of the Office, their rhetoric and attacks intensified and became personal.
And the whole time, while ostracizing the Office, the treacherous Garrisonian Party has been setting its hooks in Washington. Not everyone can see through their deceptions, and not everyone cares. For some, the means do not matter so much as the end, if that end is power.
This is issue IV of the Bastion Americana Freedom Journal. For more information, please refer to the analyses of Issues I, II, and III.
Content warnings: Violence, creeps, Nazis, gaslighting.
A joint investigation between the Office and the Bureau of Investigation was ongoing into the origins of the Bastion Americana Freedom Journal when its fourth issue appeared on the morning of August 8th, 1943. The two agencies investigated thousands of tips but did not find any answers as to where the newsletter originated. At the time the fourth issue dropped, national discourse about regarding the mysterious newsletter began to increase. The aspersions presented within became front page stories in major newspapers and during prime time on radio shows. On Monday, August 9th, the Journal’s claims were first mentioned on the floor of Congress.
The fourth issue of the Journal’s front page is provided below:
The Bureau for Cataloguing and Reference has provided the following transcription:
Bastion Americana Freedom Journal
Only the Truth, for True Americans
Free to Patriots
The only newsletter endorsed by the Garrisonian Party of America.
Issue IV, 8 August, 1943
Arnold Pondletter, Editor-in-Chief
Classified ‘Most Secret, by order of the O.C.U.O.’
Main Article:
Baltimore, MD – Since Nedrick Garver's brave act of patriotism in unveiling the existence of the Office for the Cataloging of Unusual Occurrences, one spokeswoman has appeared from the shadows to be the public face of the illicit organization: Arachnae Bellegarde.
This woman offers little explanation and less transparency. Her empty speeches are packed with platitudes and double-speak, and she offers nothing, only skirting around what is made public knowledge through other, honest means. In the weeks since her emergence as the face of the shadow government, this Journal has endeavored to uncover her seedy past to determine just who is manipulating our nation.
It was only through intense investigation that any information at all was uncovered on Miss Bellegarde, the self-described Printmaster General of the Office, which seems to be a wholly invented title. Miss Bellegarde was born in 1908 in Colmar, France, the only child of the late French war criminal and international fugitive Olivier Bellegarde. Arachnae is unmarried, though talk of unseemly proclivities cling to her name like flies. There are no records of her attending any institutions of higher learning, despite her clear displays of pompous intellectualism.
According to patriot Nedrick Garver, the Printmaster General is in charge of propagating the secret intelligence the Office deals in to all of its agents. Her duties also include deception, and lying to the American people, the people she uses and spends to defend her own homeland, with no regard to the consequences to you. She is responsible for the cover-ups concealing the American deaths caused by the Office. She was the authority behind the attempt to hide the truth of Vesuvius and the hundreds of thousands of deaths her Office caused.
Can this woman, this professional liar, this snake dressed as Eve, feeding us apples with every meal, be expected not to slip poison into our society? With such knowledge of her history, is it not our fault if we fall prey to her manipulations? ‘Fool me once, shame on me - (cont'd p. 2)
Secondary Article:
Washington, DC – Clyde Lehrer, National Chair of the Garrisonian Party, has announced that James Courtney 'Jimmy' Haldeman will act as the Party's liaison to Congress. Haldeman will be given the responsibility to bring the concerns of the real American people to the deaf ears of career politicians.
“I have never met a man more passionate about having his opinions heard,” Lehrer says. He continues: “Jimmy has seen what our so-called 'leaders' would do to the American people first-hand. He is the kind of man we need standing up for us, and he has the Party's full support.”
Haldeman proudly wears the scars given to him by the shadow government:
“For standing up for what's right, I was attacked at my own rally,” he says. A recently-healed split runs across his wide forehead, the result of a government thug's billy club across his skull. “They can break me over and over again, but they can't silence Jimmy Haldeman. I'll make those Washington leeches listen, then send them packing in forty-four. True Americans will take our nation back for every - (cont'd p. 4)
Violent crime is out of control and our ‘leaders’ don’t care! See page 5 for tips from America’s Safeguard, Abe Allison, to keep your family safe.
The following advertisement appears about a section of identical ‘cards’ to be cut from the bottom of the page for distribution:
Cut these cards out and hand them out at church, your business, your neighborhood, and among your family.
The cards read as follows and include the Garrisonian emblem:
Are you reading the Bastion Americana Freedom Journal yet? What aren’t they telling you?
Bureau for Cataloguing and Reference Analysis:
All claims regarding the Printmaster presented in this article can be traced back to either publicly-available information or unfounded lie. The clear intention of this article is to besmirch her character as she acts as the public liaison between the Office and the U.S. goverment and news media.
There is no indication that she is in any more danger than she was prior to this issue’s release. The Preceptor General has advised an increased protective detail on her. She has declined his advice.
Charges of ‘war crimes’ against the late Olivier Bellegarde are spurious and absurd.
A background check on James Courtney ‘Jimmy’ Haldeman reveals little of substance. He was born in Viscount, Texas in 1885 to Oscar and Yvonne Haldeman, the youngest of four. The elder Haldeman made his fortune selling supplies to wildcat oilmen and invested in the stock exchange, furthering his wealth. Haldeman holds an undergraduate degree from Baylor University though few records of any employment history can be found. Haldeman has been listed as a donor and claimed membership in sixteen political parties since 1906, the latest, prior to his enrollment in the Garrisonian Party, being the Democratic Party.
Regional Inspector Michael Malloy confirms Haldeman’s presence at the attack perpetrated by Deidre Daniels on 3rd July, 1943. He notes that Haldeman was likely injured during the action.
The joint committee recommends full transparency with governmental and news bodies in future instances of public disturbance. If that is not an option, a member of the Printmaster’s staff should be contact before leaving the scene to ensure a plausible story is in place.
Explanations involving ‘gas leaks’ should be quashed moving forward.
The person referred to as 'America's Safeguard' claims to be an 'experienced police officer.' A.D.A. searches have not found any registered law enforcement officer in the United States or United Kingdom by the name of Abe or Abraham Allison. As yet, this individual is to be treated as in active use of an alias, or possibly as a wholly fictional character. Their 'advice' involves introducing federal and local legislation to remove law enforcement agencies’ governmental oversight, increasing arrests and surveillance of persons of select ethnic, religious, or political leanings, and to further arm the populace. What little evidence is offered in support of their drastic plans is either twisted or fabricated with the sole purpose of increasing paranoia, distrust, and panic.
As the writers of this newsletter begin to enter the public and political arena, all efforts must be made to reveal the Nazi connections and goals behind its publication.
The committee has requested an additional eight officials be assigned full time to the investigation and that sharing of information be further encouraged with the Bureau of Investigation, the Office of Strategic Services, the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Military Intelligence Service, the Secret Service, and various non-federal law enforcement groups. Because members of the armed forces and law enforcement are specifically targeted and seemingly susceptible to the Journal’s claims, it is imperative that the Office build a foundation with those groups to resist this continuous psychological onslaught.
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Copyright © 2025 Daniel Baldwin. All rights reserved.
Written and edited by Daniel Baldwin. Art by Tyrelle Smith.