The Bastion Americana Freedom Journal, Issue VI: 22 August, 1943
The sixth issue of the Bastion Americana Freedom Journal lands after what became known among surviving officials as the Tallahassee massacre. With so many of their colleagues down and their confidence shaken, the Journal strikes a one-two punch against them in the eyes of the American people.
This issue contains spoilers from The Case of the Broken Fixers and from The Heartland Heroes.
This is issue V of the Bastion Americana Freedom Journal. For more information, please refer to the analyses of Issues I, II, III, IV, and V.
Content warnings: Violence, death, creeps, Nazis, gaslighting.
While the Office was reeling after the devastating attack in Tallahassee, the Bastion Americana Freedom Journal’s secret presses kept churning.
Even as the Office reached out a hand in an attempt to appease the increasingly vocal and influential Garrisonian Party, those Abwehr puppets were scheming, shaking that hand with their right and clutching a dagger in their left. Within days of the debut of the Heartland Heroes in Houston, the Journal had already outed them, using their unique weapons and tactics as a spark to ignite further outrage against the Office.
More officials killed in action in the last few months than in the entire history of the Office, leaving them stretched beyond thin. The walking wounded are pressed back into service, items that would warrant full investigations are shuffled off the civilian agencies, and the remaining officials are left reeling and mourning. The loudmouth Nazi newsletter on their doorstep has taken a backseat.
The Journal’s front page is provided below:
The Bureau for Cataloguing and Reference has provided the following transcription:
Bastion Americana Freedom Journal
Only the Truth, for True Americans
Free to Patriots
The only newsletter endorsed by the Garrisonian Party of America.
Issue VI, 22 August, 1943
Arnold Pondletter, Editor-in-Chief
Classified ‘Most Secret, by order of the O.C.U.O.’
Main Article:
Houston, TX – A horrifying scene awaited the Houston coroner on the morning of August 19th. Spread across one of Houston's largest industrial shipyards were the mutilated remains of over a dozen American citizens. These men had been shot, stabbed, brutalized, mauled, burst like tomatoes, and shattered like glass. And was the Office for the Cataloging of Unusual Occurrences there to investigate an atrocity that so fits their namesake? No, because they were the ones that caused it, along with their newest leashed mad dogs: hired corporate killers in masks they have the audacity to name the 'Heartland Heroes.' These killers are little more than thinly-veiled propaganda from desperate men who underestimate True Americans.
These men, if you can call people hiding their faces to dispense their perverse justice 'men,' concealed their pathetic identities and used weapons of war to brutally slay their victims without so much as a question, much less their God-given right to a trial. What's more, the lives they took were used for the bread-and-circuses amusement of a gaggle of stewed politicians and journalists, who reveled in the death and destruction like Nero with his fiddle.
Arachnae Bellegarde of the Office had the gall to describe these mercenary henchmen as anything other than the hired assassins they are. Clyde Lehrer, chairman of the Garrisonian Party, had wiser words to share:
“When we contract out justice to the highest bidder, those outside their circle suffer,” Mister Lehrer cautioned. “Our socialist-in-chief has had no qualms declaring entire races enemies of the state in the past. Now, he commands his own personal goon squad wielding weapons of war in American streets.”
Garrisonian patriots present at the macabre demonstration described the weapons as those only seen in fiction. While this publication doubts that the Office has access to lightning guns, freezing beams, or spectral visages that haunt all who see them, we would be remiss were we to downplay the terrifying possibility that – (cont'd p. 4)
Secondary Article:
Tallahassee, FL – It was meant to be a meeting between the worst of the worst, and the only ones who didn't expect that it would end the way it did were the very organizers of the parley.
The Journal has been able to confirm tips received from several of our readers among the law enforcement heroes who call Florida home. On August 4th of this year, a furious shootout occurred at a tire factory that the Office had commandeered for a secret meeting.
The attendees of that meeting were the heads of the most virulent criminal, insurgent, and perverted organizations clawing at our country's throat, from Italians and Irish to Negroes, Jews, Chinese, and much worse. Predictably, when too many animals are crushed into one cage, they bite. These particular animals were armed with machine guns, and they chewed each other to pieces - (Cont'd p. 6)
Is this how you want Our America run?
Is this how Our Founding Fathers wanted it?
The Garrisonian Party sees You, and we hear You.
Make sure Your representative does, too!
Sign and mail in the pre-written letter on page 5 to those snakes in Washington.
Bureau for Cataloguing and Reference Analysis:
An analyst has included the following note:
In addition, that same analyst as circled the words ‘mailing address.’
James Courtney Haldeman was indeed present at the private demonstration of the Heartland Heroes. The initial intent was to demonstrate Office support of domestic government agencies and private business to the Garrisonian Party as something of an olive branch. It is no surprise that this act was given a vastly different interpretation when published.
The joint committee recommends omitting known Garrisonians from future outreach. Their goal is neither the betterment of the United States nor an end to the war, but to act as a conduit for Nazi propaganda and goals.
As the Abwehr had already known about the Tallahassee meet and had agents embedded within, it is surmised that this secondary article was written in advance of the attack.
Regional Deputy Inspector Malloy’s observation of a female agent in attendance matches the description of known operative Liesl Fremde. Malloy’s description of her physical appearance and the means she uses to adjust it is consistent with A.D.A. documentation. Her presence at Tallahassee has been catalogued and cross-referenced. No additional officials are currently available to pursue her specifically but a be-on-the-look-out advisory has been issued to all regional inspectors and the Bureau of Investigation.
The address provided for tips as the Heroes’ identities is to a post office box in Oxford, Mississippi. No prior reports of Garrisonian or associated activity have been recorded in the vicinity. A small Silver Legion chapter was founded nearby but local authorities report it as inactive. The P.O. box has been closed with cooperation from the Postmaster General’s office. The local postmaster has pledged to forward all correspondence to Regional Inspector Earp’s staff.
This issue provides a pre-written letter with a pre-stamped envelope. The letter is intended for delivery to a reader’s elected legislator. It contains misleading statistics, mischaracterizations, historical inaccuracies, veiled threats, and outright lies. It strongly encourages the receiver to allign themselves and their policies with Garrisonian values. Consulting forensic etymologist Doctor Ifa Abebe confirms that the language used within is consistent with German efforts from the late 1920’s and early 1930’s during the initial rise of the National Socialist Party.
The joint committee has conclusively determined that ‘Arnold Pondletter’ is a fictional entity used by the Abwehr to put an American name on this newsletter. Any resources still dedicated to finding Mister Pondletter are to be redirected immediately.
Per a report from Regional Inspector Malloy, a correction must be made regarding a previous analysis. An individual identifying himself as ‘Abe Allison, America’s Safeguard’ made an appearance in the field during a joint Office operation in Tennessee, our conclusion that this character was simply a literary device was proven wrong. Further investigation into his actual identity is needed. A request for an available inspector regarding this topic has been submitted.
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Copyright © 2025 Daniel Baldwin. All rights reserved.
Written and edited by Daniel Baldwin. Art by Tyrelle Smith.